Reorganize a Divi Cloud Merchandise

by | Jun 11, 2022 | Etcetera | 0 comments

Divi Cloud is an effective way to store layouts to reuse. Consumers can organize them with custom designed categories, tags, and further. After getting a lot of Divi Cloud items, they can turn into more difficult to search around and sort within the tournament that they’re not organized smartly. In this submit, we’ll see the best way to reorganize a Divi Cloud products to help you keep your Divi Cloud simple and easy to use.

Let’s get started!

Finding Your Divi Cloud Items

First, let’s see the best way to to find your Divi Cloud Items. Reorganizing a Divi Cloud products makes them easier to hunt out.

  1. First, permit the Visual Builder by means of navigating to any internet web page on the front end of your Divi web page and clicking “Allow Visual Builder” in your toolbar on the most productive of the show.
  2. 2nd, click on at the purple plus icon on the Divi toolbar at the bottom of the internet web page to open the Divi Library.
  3. third, click on at the tab on the most productive classified “Your Saved Layouts”.
  4. View your Divi Cloud items. Click on at the checkbox classified “My Divi Cloud” underneath Puts inside the left sidebar.
  5. Next, choose Grid View, the grid icon above the structure thumbnails at the right kind, to appear the thumbnails. Then again, you’ll choose Tick list View, the Tick list icon is above the structure thumbnails at the right kind, to appear the names and meta wisdom.
  6. In the end, to find your structure by means of taking a look, sorting, or filtering the Divi Cloud items. Search by means of keywords or favorites, select categories and/or tags to clear out them, or sort them consistent with time, identify, or favorites.

Rename Your Divi Cloud Layouts

Next, reorganize a Divi Cloud products by means of renaming the layouts in order that they’re easy to grasp. Use consistent naming practices.

  1. Allow the Visual Builder by means of navigating to any internet web page on the front end of your Divi web page and clicking “Allow Visual Builder” in your toolbar on the most productive of the show.
  2. Click on at the purple plus icon on the Divi toolbar at the bottom of the internet web page to open the Divi Library.
  3. Click on at the tab on the most productive classified “Your Saved Layouts”.
  4. Next, view your Divi Cloud items. Click on at the checkbox classified “My Divi Cloud” underneath Puts inside the left sidebar.
  5. To find the structure you want to rename inside the Grid View or Tick list View.
  6. Next, right-click on the structure you want to rename and select “Rename” from the popup that appears.
  7. In the end, select the identify inside the field of the modal that opens, edit the identify, and click on at the golfing inexperienced check out icon when you’re finished.
  8. Then again, you’ll right-click on the structure inside the Structure Details view and select the Rename risk from the popup.
  9. Changes in your Divi Cloud are saved robotically, in order that you won’t need to save this internet web page. Click on at the X inside the upper proper corner of the “Load from Library” modal to close it.
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Edit Your Divi Cloud Categories

Next, reorganize a Divi Cloud products by means of bettering your categories. You’ll add new categories, rename them, and delete them. Keep them simple and dependable and use as few as possible. Call to mind them as primary topics.

  1. Allow the Visual Builder by means of navigating to any internet web page on the front end of your Divi web page and clicking “Allow Visual Builder” in your toolbar on the most productive of the show.
  2. Click on at the purple plus icon on the Divi toolbar at the bottom of the internet web page to open the Divi Library.
  3. Click on at the tab on the most productive classified “Your Saved Layouts”.
  4. Next, view your Divi Cloud items. Click on at the checkbox classified “My Divi Cloud” underneath Puts inside the left sidebar.
  5. Make a choice “Arrange Categories” inside the left sidebar at the bottom of the Categories file.
  6. Next, scroll the entire manner all the way down to the segment classified “Divi Cloud Categories”.
  7. Make a choice the category you want to edit and enter the new identify or delete it. Continue selecting and renaming your categories until you’re finished renaming them.
  8. Click on on “Add New Cloud Magnificence” and enter its identify if you want to have additional categories.
  9. In the end, click on on “Save Changes” underneath the category file.
  10. Changes in your Divi Cloud are saved robotically, in order that you won’t need to save this internet web page. Click on at the X inside the upper proper corner of the “Load from Library” modal to close it.

Edit Your Divi Cloud Tags

Next, reorganize a Divi Cloud products by means of bettering your tags. You’ll add new tags, rename them, and delete them. Call to mind them as sub-topics. Use as many as you want.

  1. Allow the Visual Builder by means of navigating to any internet web page on the front end of your Divi web page and clicking “Allow Visual Builder” in your toolbar on the most productive of the show.
  2. Click on at the purple plus icon on the Divi toolbar at the bottom of the internet web page to open the Divi Library.
  3. Click on at the tab on the most productive classified “Your Saved Layouts”.
  4. Next, view your Divi Cloud items. Click on at the checkbox classified “My Divi Cloud” underneath Puts inside the left sidebar.
  5. Scroll the entire manner all the way down to Tags.
  6. Make a choice “Arrange Tags” inside the left sidebar underneath the tags search box.
  7. Next, select the tag you want to edit and enter the new identify or delete it. Continue renaming your tags until you’re finished.
  8. Make a choice “Add new Cloud Tag” and enter its identify if you want to have new tags.
  9. In the end, click on on “Save Changes” underneath the file of tags.
  10. Changes in your Divi Cloud are saved robotically, in order that you won’t need to save this internet web page. Click on at the X inside the upper proper corner of the “Load from Library” modal to close it.
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Edit the Tags and Categories

Next, reorganize a Divi Cloud products by means of bettering the tags and categories within the tournament that they’re not situated in the correct categories or don’t include the correct tags.

  1. Allow the Visual Builder by means of navigating to any internet web page on the front end of your Divi web page and clicking “Allow Visual Builder” in your toolbar on the most productive of the show.
  2. Click on at the purple plus icon on the Divi toolbar at the bottom of the internet web page to open the Divi Library.
  3. Click on at the tab on the most productive classified “Your Saved Layouts”.
  4. Next, view your Divi Cloud items. Click on at the checkbox classified “My Divi Cloud” underneath Puts inside the left sidebar.
  5. To find the structure you want to edit inside the Grid View, Tag View, or Tick list View.
  6. Next, right-click on the structure and select “Edit Tags and Categories” from the popup that appears.
  7. In the end, check out or uncheck the kinds and select or remove the tags for this structure. Click on at the golfing inexperienced check out icon when you’re finished.
  8. Then again, you’ll right-click on the structure inside the Structure Details view and select “Edit Tags and Categories” from the popup.
  9. Changes in your Divi Cloud are saved robotically, in order that you won’t need to save this internet web page. Click on at the X inside the upper proper corner of the “Load from Library” modal to close it.

Favorite Your Divi Cloud Layouts

Next, favorite your most-used layouts. That is serving to you to find them sooner.

  1. First, permit the Visual Builder by means of navigating to any internet web page on the front end of your Divi web page and clicking “Allow Visual Builder” in your toolbar on the most productive of the show.
  2. Click on at the purple plus icon on the Divi toolbar at the bottom of the internet web page to open the Divi Library.
  3. Click on at the tab on the most productive classified “Your Saved Layouts”.
  4. Next, view your Divi Cloud items. Click on at the checkbox classified “My Divi Cloud” underneath Puts inside the left sidebar.
  5. Be sure that Grid View is selected. This is a grid icon above the structure thumbnails at the right kind.
  6. In the end, navigate to the cloud products you want to favorite and hover over the space between the cloud and three dots inside the bottom proper corner of the structure’s card. A grayed-out middle will appear. Click on at the middle to Favorite the structure. Click on at the middle all over again to remove it from your favorites file.
  7. Then again, you’ll click on at the structure to view it in more component. A grayed-out middle icon turns out to the left of the cloud icon underneath the structure’s identify. Click on at the middle icon so to upload it in your favorites.
  8. Changes in your Divi Cloud are saved robotically, in order that you won’t need to save this internet web page. Click on at the X inside the upper proper corner of the “Load from Library” modal to close it.
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Remove Unneeded Divi Cloud Items

In the end, remove any layouts you don’t need. Go away them inside the Trash folder until you’re sure you don’t need them. While you’re sure, utterly delete them from your Divi Cloud.

  1. In the beginning, permit the Visual Builder by means of navigating to any internet web page on the front end of your Divi web page and clicking “Allow Visual Builder” in your toolbar on the most productive of the show.
  2. Secondly, click on at the purple plus icon on the Divi toolbar at the bottom of the internet web page to open the Divi Library.
  3. Thirdly, click on at the tab on the most productive classified “Your Saved Layouts”.
  4. Fourthly, view your Divi Cloud items. Click on at the checkbox classified “My Divi Cloud” underneath Puts inside the left sidebar. Be sure that “This Internet web page” isn’t checked another way you’ll delete the layouts from the web page’s library.
  5. Be sure that Grid View or Tick list View are made up our minds on.
  6. Next, to find the structure you want to delete.
  7. In Grid View, click on on on the 3 dots inside the bottom proper corner of the structure’s thumbnail.
  8. Next, click on on “Remove from Cloud” or “Delete” inside the popup menu to delete the structure from your Divi Cloud. Each and every possible choices perform the identical procedure. Moreover, each and every keep the structure in your web page’s library.
  9. Then again, you’ll right-click on the thumbnail in Grid View, the structure inside the Tick list View, or the preview inside the Structure Details show to open the menu items and click on on “Remove from Cloud” or “Delete” inside the popup menu.
  10. Click on at the links classified “Trash” above the main structure.
  11. To find the structure you want to totally delete.
  12. Hover over the structure and click on on “Delete Totally”. As quickly because the structure is totally deleted it may’t be restored.
  13. In the end, select “All” to return to the layouts.

Completing Concepts

That’s our take a look at the best way to reorganize a Divi Cloud products. Reorganizing them makes them easier to hunt out and use, and it assists in keeping your Divi Cloud clean and structured. Divi Cloud gives you quite a lot of techniques to prepare your items with only some simple clicks.

We want to pay attention from you. Have you ever ever reorganized your Divi Cloud items? Let us know inside the comments.

The submit Reorganize a Divi Cloud Merchandise appeared first on Sublime Topics Weblog.

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