Nominations Now Open For Plugin Insanity 2024!

by | Feb 9, 2024 | Etcetera | 0 comments

March is just around the corner and you realize what that means—it’s time to dust off those brackets and get sharp on the best WordPress plugins as we apparatus up for this year’s Plugin Insanity!

Plugin Madness is a bracket-style pageant in which 64 WordPress plugins compete in opposition to 1 each and every different by means of weekly vote casting rounds—and the 2024 pageant has officially kicked off. Nominations for Plugin Madness 2024 at the present time are open! 


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Plugin Madness 2024 Nominations

Nominate your favorite WordPress plugins proper right here!

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  • MarketingMaintenanceOptimizationEcommerce
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This year marks the ninth annual Plugin Madness, and your nominations are key to tipping off the game.

On the lookout for the Easiest Plugins

Call to mind yourself as a scout, in search of out necessarily probably the most valuable avid players throughout the plugin arena. Plugin Madness is all about understanding plugins that now not most efficient get to the bottom of problems however as well as support the WordPress experience. 

Whether or not or no longer it’s a plugin that’s been a game-changer to your web site or one who’s just too good to overlook about, we wish to concentrate all about it. Simply fill out the form proper right here to post your plugin of choice. 

Be mindful, to qualify for the competition, plugins will have to be: 

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Plugin Categories

Some brackets are minimize up thru spaces; the Plugin Madness bracket it will likely be categorised into 4 key areas: Promoting and advertising and marketing, Optimization, Repairs, and eCommerce. 

This classification promises a more than a few and exciting pageant, showcasing the huge versatility of WordPress plugins.

The Game Plan: Very important Dates

Make sure that and mark your calendars! Plugin Madness nominations run by means of February twenty 6th. After that, the true a laugh begins with the vote casting phase starting on March 4. The competition heats up with every passing week since the bracket dwindles from 64 to 32 and, in spite of everything, this year’s Plugin Madness champion!

 Proper right here’s the breakdown:

  • Week 1 (64): March 4
  • Week 2 (32): March 11
  • Week 3 (16): March 18
  • Week 4 (8): March 25
  • Week 5 (4): April 1
  • Week 6 (2): April 18
  • Week 7 (Winner offered): April 15

Join the Madness: Be Part of the Movement

Your place throughout the madness doesn’t end with nominations. Make sure that and are to be had once more every week to vote, serving on your favorite plugins advance by means of every round. 

Will your peak choose make a buzzer-beater or be benched forward of the finals? Absolute best your votes will come to a decision!

Don’t Move over This 12 months’s Slam Dunk Fit

This year’s Plugin Madness is able to be better and better than ever. Whether or not or no longer you’re new to WordPress or a seasoned skilled, your input is a very powerful for making this fit a slam-dunk just right fortune. 

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Make sure to publish your nomination, don’t disregard to vote, and may the best plugin win!

For more information on Plugin Madness, click on right here.

The post Nominations Now Open For Plugin Insanity 2024! appeared first on Torque.

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